๐ค Helper credits
Get help to rank faster by activating helpers!
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Get help to rank faster by activating helpers!
Last updated
What is helpers? Helpers are small automated robots that perform actions for you. If you are sleeping, on vacation or simply not available to rank up your character, you can hire helpers to do the hard work for you. What problem do they solve? Mafia ranks are given based on performed actions on the ranking contract. These actions can be performed at a certain time interval. Advanced blockchain users will be able to host automated scripts to optimise their ranking. Essentially performing a crime or action on the exact available time 24/7/365 This means legitimate human players will get out-ranked and out-played by automated bots. We can't stop this, but we can equip legitimate players with the same functionality to even out the playing field. Example: Crime every 5 min. Car jacking every 15 min. Smuggling every 30 min. Bullet purchase every 60 min. Travel every 60 min. Obviously no human will be able to perform these actions on their exact availability around the clock, but doing so will propel you to the higher ranks quicker. How do i buy helpers? You can purchase helper credits with BNB/PLS. The protocol will sell credit packages with: 1,000 Actions 5,000 Actions 50,000 Actions You can then assign Helpers to any of the crimes you want.. You will earn both currency and rank points just as if you performed these actions yourself. Same RNG and cooldowns. Helper bots can only help you with perfoming rank based actions. Helper bots will not have any say in attacking or defending any scenario. Important note: By using helpers, you avoid confirming transactions on every single rank building action. You will save a significant amount of $BNB/PLS fees 50% of purchase fee goes directly to the vault. 50% of purchase fee goes to the MAFIA team wallet to cover expenses for: 1. Server and domain expenses 2. Game maintenance & development 3. Support and moderation team N