🗺️ Locations
Locations are important in the Mafia protocol. Certain actions are only available based on your location.
Last updated
Locations are important in the Mafia protocol. Certain actions are only available based on your location.
Last updated
When is location important?
Location of killer and target needs to be identical
Access family bank
Location of family and user needs to be identical
Heist & Organized crime
Location of co-operating users needs to be identical
Booze and Narcotics sell
Travel to expensive places to offload your stash
Health purchases
Each location have their own hospital and blood prices
Stealing cars
The car you steal stays in the same city as you stole it
Purchasing shop items
Some shop items such as "Accommodation" are location specific
Car race
Location of users needs to be identical
Bullet purchases
Each location has their own bullet factory and bullet prices
Family HQ
Each family has a 1 time selected HQ location.
Available locations: North America Chicago Detroit New York New Jersey Las Vegas South America Medellin Bogota Caracas Italy Palermo Messina Napoli