๐ Connectors
The most game-mechanic influential part of the map update. Make sure you and your members own the right tiles.
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The most game-mechanic influential part of the map update. Make sure you and your members own the right tiles.
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Having connected tiles is very powerful. At the same time, it will also be your weakness. Connectors are relevant for both Family HQ size, but also for worth/defense values of any user owned tile. Tile position affects Connectors greatly The maximum amount of connectors a single tile can have is 8. This is if your tile is placed in the middle of nothing. When a tile is surrounded by protocol owned assets, this number is reduced. An example would be a user tile that is placed at a road corner. This tile now only has 3 maxium connector tiles. These 3 tiles are now just as powerful as if you had 8. Simply because its a measurement of total percentage available tiles to connect. In other words, the less connector tiles you have, the easier it is to get to 100% connector coverage. The effect of this mechanic is that all tiles which are closer to the road/water/nature will naturally be more valuable, as you need to spend less effort to achieve high worth and defense values. This is an example of the most desireable tile location as it only has 1 possible connector, which gives you the same benefit as a tile with 8 connectors as its seen as "100% coverage"
Why is this also a weakness? Imagine you have a single string of tiles that connect to your Family HQ. Like a snake. If your enemy target the tile closest to your Family HQ, and kills the owner. Your family will lose not only that connector tile, but the HQ Size attributes of EVERY OTHER TILE, that was connected through that specific tile. Effectively putting your family into vault suspension. How does Allegiance affect connectors ? - For all regular user ownable tiles, any allegiance owned tile DOES count as a successful connector. - For Family HQ and for Businesses, allegiance owned tiles does NOT count as connectors โณ More information coming soon